Wes Bos
Full Stack JavaScript developer from Canada. Runs the Syntax Podcast
Jhey Tompkins
Brings ideas to life with code! ✨
Kent C Dodds
I'm Kent C. Dodds. I help people make the world better through quality software
Baptiste Adrien
Shares good threads on what's possible with css
Carson Gross
Creator of HTMX. Meme lord
Lea Verou
CSS Educator, Speaker. W3C TAG member
Una Kravets
Front-end developer, tech content creator, supporter of all things web UI
Adam Hill
Creator of
Luke Warlow
Chromium & Webkit committer. Tweets about web standards
Jen Simmons
Designer and Developer Advocate at Mozilla. Member of the CSS Working Group
Alex Petros
A blog about writing software that doesn't rot
Stefan Judis
Loves building things for the web and writing things about the web.
Konnor Rogers
Web developer who builds things of all shapes and sizes using many different technologies. Builds Web Awesome